Jonah 4:1-4
I have read this many times and understood this passage many times before, but for the first time, I see.
God ask Jonah to do something but he refused, and hence rebelled against God.
From the looks of it in verse, it seems that Jonah was very content and happy being at home. He knew who God was and knows what he can do.
The rebellion came when God asked Jonah to leave his comfort zone, his home, stop whatever he is doing and go help save a nation. However, Jonah's perspective was that God is BIG and POWERFUL enough that God can do it himself.
At times, I wonder, what is my calling and what is my mission for God?
I am sure Jonah's day to day responsibilities were of some importance and this is one of the few or just one major assignment that came up.
I know my day to day responsibility is to be growing in Godly righteousness so that I can go and help others come to know God. The Great Commission.
It seems like, if I may be so lucky, that God would make it clear as to a major assignment would come up that needed me to stop whatever I am doing and make a drastic, maybe temporary change, in life so that others may be saved.
It is funny, or maybe not, that after what was said and done, Jonah had the guts to tell God to take him away from this earth put him out of his misery.
Does that mean he would rather be in hell than on earth doing God's will or does he mean that he is done with the turmoils on this earth that he is ready to go "home" into God's kingdom, heaven?
I think it is heaven that Jonah was referring to, because he feels like God owed him from the following passages.
In a lot of ways, I find myself like Jonah. I look at this world and I think it should suit me just fine.
If something happens that is not of my liking, I get angry, just like Jonah.
But thanks be to God, he is gracious enough, patient enough, loving enough to even provide shelter and teach us of his wonderful message of love that I can, sometimes slow, learn the true meaning of happiness and joy on this earth.