2 Corinthians 9
From all that the Corinthians was going through, one thing they seem to do well or at least were commended for was their generosity.
Many a times, this passage was used to teach, or preached, specifically about money given to the church.
I believe it is more than that. The Corinthians gave more than just money. They gave all they had. It was food, clothing, shelter, and last but not least, money. However, there might be one element that might be a stumbling block, and might just make sense. The Corinthians were a nice bunch of people, but because they were so nice and giving, the morale suffered. When does one stop giving? Do we give to even the point of sexual immorality? Be yoked with unbelievers? Is everybody the same? Let's not offend, but be giving. These are something to ponder about if the Corinthians were commended on the generosity and was warned about other short comings as sexual immorality and division among the body.
Just the thought of the day.
To God be the Glory.