Romans 9
I would like to re-look at Romans 9 again. I do not think I got the most out of it yesterday. I was stuck on a couple of issues and had to work it out through the day.
Starting off, Paul explains his love for the Israelistes by letting them know the "great sorrow and unceasing anguish in [his] heart." He wishes all Israelites can be saved. He wishes he can give his life over to hell, and use it as a redemption to save the Israelites that are not chosen by God.
That is an amazing heart. I am speechless and humbled by his compassion towards his race, his people, his family.
As much as his desire, his will, his idea is amazing, it is not possible. We know that no one can enter through the doors of heaven except through Jesus. Jesus is the only perfect human that was able to be the atonement for us, the sinners here on earth. As much as Paul is a really nice, amazing person, he is still obligated to sin and fallen short the glory of God.
So as the letter continues in v16, it does not depend on our human efforts or desires, but on God's mercy.
I will stop here for today and continue tomorrow.