Job 39
While we tend the earth to feed ourselves, God provides for all the living things in the world and some to serve us, like the horse. As much as we do manage some animals, like the horse, his being, his nature was created and provided by God. We are mere users of what God has created, not creators.
As a designer, I do not create something out of nothing. I create something that is already existed, and merely tweak it's existence and hopefully be more desirable or needed by us humans.
So why am I here?
I believe, just as God started from the beginning, as Adam and eve, he wanted a relationship with us. As I have children of my own, the relationship between us parents and our children is priceless. To be a provider and somewhat of a creator, the tie is unique and immeasurable. To be loved by your offspring is the most gratifying emotional feeling in the world.
I believe, the point here is not to be proud, or arrogant, of what I can do, but be grateful and humble of what God has allowed me to do.