Back with a present from India, the stomach bug.
2 days I was laid up. Had my first meal yesterday and it was as if I have not eaten for weeks.
However, the bug is still here, but not as bad.
I wonder if Jesus was ever sick? My guess is no, and I guess it is not that important.
2 Peter 2: 1
False prophets and teachers.
( On a side note, I was tempted by a delicious Italian looking coffee stand had a cup of cappuccino at the Indian airport that turned out to be false which resulted in days stomach issues. )
We are told, and is warned here regarding false prophets and teachers. Yet, like the coffee I had, as much as I know it was a risk, I took it because I was looking for this comfort.
How much more is this religion that despite what the truth says, we are looking for the "right" religion that fits into our appetite.
Despite all the warnings, how do we arm ourselves to do what is right?
The war rages on, and we keep fighting.
To God be the Glory.