Proverbs 12
"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad." Proverbs 12:25
1. the act of depressing.
2. the state of being depressed.
3. a depressed or sunken place or part; an area lower than the surrounding surface.
4. sadness; gloom; dejection.
5. Psychiatry. a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason. Compare clinical depression.
6. dullness or inactivity, as of trade.
7. Economics. a period during which business, employment, and stock-market values decline severely or remain at a very low level of activity.
8. the Depression. Great Depression.
9. Pathology. a low state of vital powers or functional activity.
10. Astronomy. the angular distance of a celestial body below the horizon; negative altitude.
11. Surveying. the angle between the line from an observer or instrument to an object below either of them and a horizontal line.
12. Physical Geography. an area completely or mostly surrounded by higher land, ordinarily having interior drainage and not conforming to the valley of a single stream.
13. Meteorology. an area of low atmospheric pressure.
1350–1400; ME (< AF) < ML dēpressiōn- (s. of dēpressiō), LL: a pressing down, equiv. to L dēpress(us) (see depress ) + -iōn- -ion
Any you wonder why the world is in such "chaos."
It is what it is because the evil one wanted it that way, and God is the only way out.
So, his goal is to create things and circumstances that "presses" "down" on the humans, while God's goal is to "lift" us "up"
To God be the Glory