and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones. "
Sometimes, we are "told" that believe in God is not a "feeling".
So what does it mean by trusting in the LORD with all my heart?
Should it not be my brain? My knowledge?
It is also suggesting not to rely on my own understanding.
In ALL my ways, I should acknowledge him.
Here's the definition of Acknowledge:
- to admit to be real or true; recognize the existence, truth, or fact of: to acknowledge one's mistakes.
- to show or express recognition or realization of: to acknowledge an acquaintance by nodding.
- to recognize the authority, validity, or claims of: The students acknowledged the authority of the student council.
- to show or express appreciation or gratitude for: to acknowledge a favor.
- to indicate or make known the receipt of: to acknowledge a letter.
- to take notice of or reply to: to acknowledge a greeting.
- Law. to confirm as binding or of legal force: to acknowledge a deed
The next verses is interesting. It says, to fear the LORD and shun evil. It might be pretty simple and clear, however, psychologically, it is implying us as humans, we like evil and do not fear the LORD. Common sense tells us, if there is danger, we would avoid it at all cost. We would avoid it because this "danger" would hurt us and cause us harm. We would be more alert and have a fear that act as an alarm and help us stay on course.
Let's look at the definition of the word shun:
- to keep away from (a place, person, object, etc.), from motives of dislike, caution, etc.;
- take pains to avoid.
- Synonyms: evade, eschew.
- Antonyms: seek.
However, here is says to "fear the LORD" instead.
Definition of fear:
- to regard with fear; be afraid of.
- to have reverential awe of.
- Archaic. to experience fear in (oneself).
- Origin: bef. 900; ME fere, OE fær sudden attack or danger; c. OS fār ambush, D gevaar, G Gefahr danger, ON fār disaster
Yes and no.
It is because God is the most powerful "entity" that will ever be. He is the source of our lives and being. Without it, we will suffer.
I believe the sentence in this book is telling us which direction we should be going.
If we go towards "evil" we will not only be destroyed by "evil" itself, but also by God.
If we go towards "GOD" we will not only be SAFE, but cannot be touched by "evil."
There, probably the most simple way of putting it.
To God be the Glory.